Thursday, 5 May 2011

How to climb out of a well.

Oh No! Little Johnny has fallen down Grandpa's old well and Lassie was put to sleep years ago!

Don't panic, Johnny, here's some advice on what to do when trapped in an old well...

(Climbing out of a well)

  1. Place your back against the wall and your feet against the opposite wall in an "L" shape.
  2. Use steady and even pressure from your thighs to maintain your position off the ground.
  3. Place the palms of your hands against the wall behind you below your butt.
  4. Take your right foot off the opposite wall and place it under your butt.
  5. Press your back away from the wall with your hands and push yourself up with your hands and feet.
  6. Put your back on the wall again and move your right foot back onto the opposite wall higher than your left foot.
  7. Repeat from 3. but use your left foot this time and alternate from there.
  8. When you approach the top twist slightly and grab the lip of the well. Roll and shift your weight to your hands and use your feet to assist you to pull yourself out.
Congratulations! You've rescued yourself from an unfortunate subterranean demise, Well done little Johnny!


  1. While oddly specific, I feel enriched by this knowledge. Who needs lassy?

  2. little timmy needs lassy! Followed :) nice post!

  3. nice! but what if you're too small (or the well's too big) to do this? :p

  4. Really hope I don't ever need to use this knowledge! Still, great post! Following!

  5. Now I can pretend to be the evil girl!

  6. If only I'd known this last week!

  7. You make it sound easy.. lol

  8. Nice post. If I ever get trapped in a well, I'll be sure to use these tips. :P

  9. Posting this from the bottom of a well. Thanks for the info!

  10. At least we learnt something today, nice post :p

  11. Thanks for posting this! I might need it this summer if I do take my trip to Mexico :P

  12. I have a feeling this is a skill I will need some day.

  13. I'm memorizing this, thanks a lot. No need for Lassy

  14. i really really really hope i never have to use this outside of a "wonder if i can" situation

  15. I bet that's how samara got out.

  16. Thats actually good to know. I need to find a way to let all of the critters know how to escape wells now. haha

  17. Could be useful one day. Thanks man! followed

  18. this is one of my favorites Mvs... nice blog

  19. I love your blog theme, following.

  20. great post! never know when youre going to need this information, could just happen upon a well one day and then bam, youre at the bottom of it

  21. But this method only work if you dont broke any legs or something... D:

  22. wish i woulda known this, lassie took forever to get help!

  23. very good information, thank you!
